Easy Keno Game

This is a program I had done in ICS 211 which will create a easy Keno game with GUI. When I run the program, there are 1 to 40 number the user need to choose, the play button will only avaliable after the user had choose 10 number, when the user click on any number, that number will turn red, user can click it again to become yellow again. Then, the user can choose the bet amount, there are 4 options: $10, $20, $50, and $100(default $10). After the user click play, the program will randomly generate 10 number, if the user had chosen this number, that number will become green, if that number the user didn’t choose, it will become blue. Last, the program will calculate how much the user won and display a message. The user can click reset button to play it again or quit button to exit.